Poetry journey begun: First week of rehearsals for ‘Luft’

During the first week of rehearsals, the Deutsche Tanzkompanie and its guest choreographer Gaetano Posterino had Neustrelitz photographer Theresa Lange and Berlin TV journalist Meike Beuckmann visiting them in the ballet hall. Beuckmann writes about a look behind the scenes of ‘Luft’ on her Instagram channel meike.präsentiert:

‘In rehearsals for the third part of the Elements cycle, dancers immerse themselves in the world of ‘air’ under the direction of internationally renowned choreographer Gaetano Posterino. With elegance, precision and creative passion, a fascinating dance poem is created that expresses the complexity of the element.

The intensive rehearsals not only demonstrate the ensemble’s dedication, but also Posterino’s unique signature, which transforms movement into poetry. An impressive process that noticeably increases the anticipation of the premiere!’

We present the wonderful photos here, you can find the great trailer on Vimeo→.