Code of conduct

We, Posterino & Company, also provide fundamental artistic impulses in a constantly changing society and are therefore not only guardians of artistic freedom, but also catalysts for social development. Based on this understanding, we and our dancers commit ourselves to the

Value-based code of conduct for the prevention of sexual assault and abuse of power

of the German Stage Association in all events such as workshops, dance productions, etc., which is intended to initiate and maintain a process of understanding and a progressive approach by all dancers in all our events such as workshops, dance productions, etc. We show attitude and encourage each other to prevent any form of assault or discrimination. Gender equality and equal opportunities are fundamental to us.

We face the challenge of reflecting and living the diversity of our society in our work. In doing so, we show respect and appreciation for one another. We ensure cooperative collaboration and social coexistence with the will to openly address and resolve conflicts. We strive for clear and trusting communication. Based on this self-image and as an employer/client, we have a responsibility to actively protect our dancers from sexual harassment and abuse of power.

The management and artistic directors of Posterino & Company have a special duty of care for the dancers in this context. We face this responsibility and see it as our task to ensure a working environment free of discrimination and fear with this value-based code of conduct.

The basic characteristic of harassment is a violation of boundaries that another person experiences against their will. Events that were not intended can also be perceived as harassment. It is therefore not appropriate to cross the personal sphere of others, including through:

  • forcing (even attempting to) perform sexual acts using violence or the threat of violence
  • direct/indirect threats of disadvantages for rejecting advances
  • promises of advantages for sexual concessions
  • showing or distributing pornography
  • suggestive and sexualized remarks, jokes and gestures
  • derogatory remarks about the body, sexuality or sexual orientation of others
  • non-consensual physical contact (in the case of touching and physical contact that arise from the choreography, we assume consent if there is no objection)
  • demanding sexual attention.

Based on the values ​​listed above, we commit ourselves to binding rules of conduct for all dancers, regardless of their position:

  • I differentiate between what is permitted within and outside of artistic work and do not abuse these freedoms of art.
  • I behave respectfully towards everyone, regardless of gender, age, religion, disability, origin and sexual orientation.
  • I refrain from any form of sexual harassment.
  • I refrain from assaults in gestures, language and physical form.
  • I handle the power given to me responsibly.
  • I am aware that my behavior can have a different effect on the other person than intended. I handle this empathetically and responsibly.
  • I communicate clearly and unambiguously.
  • I address conflicts openly and endeavor to resolve them fairly.
  • I actively intervene when I witness assaults, abuse of power and inappropriate behavior of any kind and address inappropriate behavior directly.

Overcoming sexual harassment and abuse of power is a task for society as a whole that requires a cultural change. As artists, we ensure that awareness is raised about sexual harassment and abuse of power in the workplace. This code is intended to be a further step in this direction. If sexual harassment or abuse is suspected, we undertake to take all necessary measures to educate and protect the people affected.

Artistic direction and management